Will-O-Wisp Metropolitan District




General Information


Regular Board Meetings will move to the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Specific dates can be found in the calendar.


Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: Please join us for a Special Meeting on Monday, August 14th @ 6:30pm. This meeting will be held virtually.


Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: Please join us for a Special Meeting on Monday, August 5th @ 5:30pm. This meeting will be held virtually.


Read our Accessibility Agreement Here


Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: Please join us for a Special Meeting on Wednesday, May 8th @ 6:30pm. This meeting will be held virtually.


Public Message:

As you may know, following the Park County Board of County Commissioners’ (“BOCC”) approval of aSkag LLC’s request to build and operate a solid and septic waste transfer station on land it owns adjacent to the District, the District filed a lawsuit in the Park County District Court to challenge that approval. The District, as well as numerous other interested parties, had provided comments and objections to aSkag’s request to the BOCC, but the BOCC chose not to heed those comments and objections.

Because the District believes that the waste transfer station does not comply with Park County and State of Colorado regulations such that the BOCC acted improperly in approving aSkag’s request, it filed a lawsuit on March 26, 2024, asking the Park County District Court to overturn the BOCC’s approval of the request and halt operations of the waste transfer station. If you have any questions concerning the lawsuit, please direct those questions to the District’s General Counsel, Katie James, and special litigation counsel, Jacob Hollars. Ms. James can be reached via email at james@ffcolorado.com. Mr. Hollars can be reached via email at jhollars@spencerfane.com.


2024 Drinking Water Quality Report


Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: Please join us for a Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 24th @ 5:00pm. This meeting will be held virtually.


Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: Please join us for a Special Meeting on Wednesday, March 27th @ 6:00pm.


Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: Please join us for a Special Meeting on Thursday, March 14th @ 1:30pm. This meeting will be held virtually. This special meeting is being held to interview possible attorneys for handling a Rule 106 appeal.


Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: Please join us for a Special Meeting on Monday, March 18th @ 5:00pm.


Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: Please join us for a Special Meeting on Monday, March 11th @ 6:30pm. This special meeting is being held in lieu of the regular March Meeting which was scheduled for March 13th and was cancelled.


Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors: Please join us for a Special Meeting on Wednesday, January 24th @ 6:30pm. This special meeting is being held to discuss (1) CORE Application for Main Line Extension. 


Please note our new mailing address for water payments is:

WOW Administrator

Nickie Holder

9249 South Broadway #200-344

Highlands Ranch, 80129 CO

(Payments will continue to be collected from the WOW dropbox at the top of the neighborhood as well.)

We have also added an ACH option (which is FREE!) to pay your monthly water/sewer bill rather than write a check.

Account Name: Will o Wisp Metropolitan District

Routing Number: 107005047

Account Number: 4111290058


The mountains are calling...

WOW_Oct_2022_012 2.jpg

956 Wisp Creek Dr, Bailey, CO 80421


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